суббота, 12 апреля 2014 г.

My experience on EnglishCentral

Hello everybody!
How are you? I'm fine.

I try to learning english on EnglishCentral. 
I fell in love this site! I think this site is very interesting  both children and grown-up.
I don't use this site so much time, but behind this short time I found some "+" and some  "-"
First of all a BIG "+"  that you may choose your level (beginner, intermediate or advanced)
The second "+" you may  listen  and watch video. I think it's a very good way to improve your speaking skills and oral skills. 
And the last "+" is that you may to record your own voice and to compare with native speaker, I think this is very good, because you may hear where you make a mistake in your  pronunciation.
And you may watch the video "Top 10 Pronunciation Challenges" I think this is very important for us, because for people who learn language VERY IMPORTANT see how  correctly use tongue in pronounciation specific sound and letter.
I don't find  "-" 
For me the difficulty lies in slow internet. Sometimes my internet is very slow and this make me nervous :) 
This is my opinion about this site.
Thank you for your attention!

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