воскресенье, 13 апреля 2014 г.

English Central

Hello! Here I am and I would like to write my impressions, experience about my independent learning. There were many different interesting and cognitive resources that can help you to improve your skills. From my point of  view they're very useful for students or people who want to learn English independently wihtout exhausting lessons with teacher and boring lessons. I chose this resource http://www.englishcentral.com/.  Because  I liked  this resource much. 
And now I try to explain why I chose this one.
  • First of all it's free and you do not have to spend much time to register. 
  • It has a great number of videos with different topics. English Central makes improving your English fun and effective by turning popular web videos into powerful language learning experiences. 
  • Then it has three level and you can choose the level that you need or that you'd like to learn. 
  • Another detail that I liked is the short duration of the videos. It is cool because you do not get bored watching a long video.

Well..let's watch a video. Then you open the video there are four tasks on the right: watch the video, learn the words, speak the video and quiz vocabulary. I think it is convenient for students because you learn the video step by step. So, the first step is watching the video. You find out words you do not know, click on it and it shows you the explanation of the word and its pronunсiation. It is cool because you improve you speaking and listening skills. Then you learn new words. You must write missing words, thus you memorize words. It improves your writing skills. The third is speaking. You speak on the microphone and check your pronunciation.  And last one is the questions that check how well you understand the material.
And some words about the drawbacks. I noticed only one it is lack 
of grammatical videos. I think it's important to know grammars because without knowing grammar rules we will not able to speak clear and right.
In general, I'm satisfied with this resource. I think the main
advantages of using websites for learning is that you can hear native
speakers because it's too hard to understand fluent speech.  

суббота, 12 апреля 2014 г.

                          My independent learning 

Hello everybody!How are you?

I would like to tell you about my steps on independent learning.
At first I registered on busuu.com.Then I chose the B1 level ,because I thought it’s my English level and there I stopped 2 years ago.There was different themes for choice on busuu.com.
I chose "Culture and traditional cuisine". And there were some items:
My culture;Cooking at home;Active and passive forms;Writing
And on each of this items (e.g, my culture)I:
1.I got to know with the translation of words, listened  audiorecords and  learned these words.
Next I did exercises with new words of this point.
2.I listened a dialogue then I did the exercises.
3.At last,review. I did exercises with all new in this point.
Further I did these steps for each items of this theme.
I did all except “Active and passive forms” item, because I didn’t have premium membership.
And what about Writing..There were a questions about the theme and I wrote my point of view.Then I sent my writing to native speaker.
When I did the exercises I got a  berries. For each right answer you get 5 berries. And it’s a small stimulus and positive thing in this resource. When you enter in this resource you see your own garden which will blossom if you study hardly and diligently.
I like this resource because at first I knew many new words, their translation and pronunciation. I improved my  speaking, listening and writing skills. I enlarged my vocabulary reserve. It’s very important for me. Secondly I like the graphics on busuu.com, because there were the pictures for each word and whole resource has gorgeous and nice colours and background. Thirdly there I can communicate with native speakers and improve my English writing and speaking skills.
I didn’t see the drawbacks .I just want that there will be the phrases about certain theme and more difficult exercises. But it’s not problem because as I understood this resource destine for enlarging vocabulary and improving speaking skills.
I did not only this theme.I did also 2 themes and I don’t stop on this because there are many interesting themes for studying .My garden is beautiful and blooming.And I recommend you this super resource. You should only get in and you like it and see the results.
                                                    Thank you for your attention!

Here the adress of resource: http://www.busuu.com

My impression about englishcentral.com

My impression about  englishcentral.com

  Hеllо  еvеrybоdy!
I liked the site englishcentral.com.  
This is very interesting site. It works well.
There you can improve your vocabulary, writing and pronunciation.
 On this site I watched videos, remembering handwriting. I did my best in order to learn all new words and I made it. I like, that we can hear our own pronunciation on this site, using some devices. You can also choose any video, you want. By the way vidoes download pretty fast. You are able to find transcription of a new word and its definition.
I will use this site very often.

My experience on EnglishCentral

Hello everybody!
How are you? I'm fine.

I try to learning english on EnglishCentral. 
I fell in love this site! I think this site is very interesting  both children and grown-up.
I don't use this site so much time, but behind this short time I found some "+" and some  "-"
First of all a BIG "+"  that you may choose your level (beginner, intermediate or advanced)
The second "+" you may  listen  and watch video. I think it's a very good way to improve your speaking skills and oral skills. 
And the last "+" is that you may to record your own voice and to compare with native speaker, I think this is very good, because you may hear where you make a mistake in your  pronunciation.
And you may watch the video "Top 10 Pronunciation Challenges" I think this is very important for us, because for people who learn language VERY IMPORTANT see how  correctly use tongue in pronounciation specific sound and letter.
I don't find  "-" 
For me the difficulty lies in slow internet. Sometimes my internet is very slow and this make me nervous :) 
This is my opinion about this site.
Thank you for your attention!